Mass intention cards can be arranged by contacting or visiting the Parish Office. You may choose from one of the following:
Announced – A Mass will be offered for a deceased loved one on a particular day and time as arranged with the parish office. Please call the parish office for date availability. The donation is Rs. 100.
Unannounced – A Mass will be offered for a deceased loved one within a short period of time by one of the priests. However, the date and time is not known beforehand. The donation is Rs.100.
Purgatorial Society – The name of the deceased person will be enrolled in the parish Purgatorial Society. One Mass will be offered for this intention each month for one year. The list of those enrolled is placed in the sanctuary of the church when the Mass is offered. The donation is Rs.100.
Living – The Sacrifice of the Mass can be offered for someone who is living. The arrangements are the same as for an announced or unannounced Mass except the notation that the person is living. The donation is Rs.100.