Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Members of this ministry assist the priests and deacons with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during the celebration of the Mass. Ministers who have received additional training also bring Holy Communion to the homebound and to patients at North Shore University Hospital and St. Francis Hospital as well as local assisted living facilities.
General Qualifications
Men and women who serve in this ministry have a strong faith and a deep desire to bring the Body of Christ to others. Extraordinary ministers must be practicing Catholics, 18 years of age and have received the sacrament of Confirmation. They must be members of the parish and living their life according to Catholic moral teachings
General Information
Extraordinary ministers are generally scheduled on a rotating basis at the Saturday evening and Sunday celebration; however we do accommodate special requests if necessary. EMs usually serve at least once a month but may be called upon to serve at Mass if there
are no-shows (which unfortunately happens sometimes). Changes in assignment are expected to be handled by the ministers themselves. EMs will be provided with a list of all active and substitute ministers.
If you wish to explore this ministry further, please review the Handbook for more information. Parishioners interested in this ministry must submit their request in writing to Msgr. McCann. Mandatory Diocesan training is offered twice a year in the fall and the spring.