At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Christian Passover meal that is celebrated and received at every Mass. During the sacrifice of the Mass, the priest, who acts in the person of Christ the Head of the Church, imitates the actions and words of Christ. The bread and wine offered truly become the Body and Blood of Christ, our Paschal Lamb. All Catholics in attendance who are spiritually prepared (i.e. not aware of having committed any mortal sins) participate in this sacrificial meal.
Before one may receive the Eucharist for the first time, a period of spiritual and educational preparation precedes the reception. At St. Joseph’s all baptized children usually receive their First Holy Communion in the 2nd grade. For more information, please contact the Religious Education Office or the Elementary School.
Baptized adults who never received First Holy Communion should contact our Adult Faith Formation Office. Members of other Christian faiths that are not in communion with the Catholic faith should not receive the Eucharist. Those non-Catholics interested in participating in the Catholic Eucharist should contact the Adult Faith Formation Office.