Adult Faith Formation

“If I say my “Yes” to God’s desire to enter into my life, I can become a bearer of Jesus. If I continue to say “Yes” to the daily proposals of God, I can have the life of Jesus grow in me. If I share with others in work and action, the life of a disciple of Jesus, I can bring him to birth in their world” (Share the Word – Scripture Reflections for Today’s Disciples 1/29).

What happens after high school and college? Does your Faith Formation come to a halt? St. Joseph’s realizes many adults are searching for answers about their faith. The Adult Formation office of St. Josep’s offers adults many opportunities to enrich their spiritual growth as they travel on the journey of becoming closer to God. We offer different areas of study throughout the year with special programs during Advent and Lent. Many presentations are geared to show how God’s word fits into today’s everyday life.